People Manager Magazine Online – JULY 2024 Excellence in Filipino Public Service

Manila, June 28, 2024 – In a grand celebration marking the 35th anniversary of the National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC), Lucila Tarriela, the Past President of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP), was bestowed with the prestigious "Gawad Tapat na Paglilingkod" award. This accolade recognizes her exceptional...

People Manager Magazine Online – APR-MAY 2024 Vol. 5 No. 3

During the Media and Communications Committee Meeting in February, when the theme "High Tech, High Touch" was suggested for Q2, I was all for it! What with the speed of innovation nowadays (Hello, chat GPT-40 and Google I/O 2024), it seemed very relevant, especially in the realm of People Management....

People Manager Magazine Online – MARCH 2024 Vol. 5 No. 2

Firstly, let me acknowledge the wonderful creative work of Jovenir F Bataican as the previous Editor-in-Chief of three years. . .all the best to you in your future endeavors, Jovenir! To introduce myself: Eduardo “Dokes” Nilo, PMAP member since July 2023, and Media and Communications Committee since last month! I...

People Manager Magazine Online – FEBRUARY 2024 – Vol. 5 No. 1

GRATEFUL AND MOVING ON. A very eventful 2023 is over and optimism is high for the Year of the Dragon. The ingredients of success are ripe for the picking and finding the right mix is just a determined plan away. We learned not to take things for granted as well...

People Manager Magazine Online – August 2023 – Vol. 4 No. 2

LOOSE LEAVES WE DON’T HAVE AUTUMN OR FALL here in the Philippines, but we at People Manager Magazine Online (PMMO) have come with two versions of your online magazine. One is the single file PDF so you can have your e-copy emailed to you direct, or you may choose to...

People Manager Magazine Online – February 2023 – Vol. 4 No. 1

IMPOSING ONE’S WILL doesn’t cut it anymore. People are now much more determined to break free and let their preferences and thoughts heard. Your People Manager Magazine Online (PMMO) has responded. For one, PMMO’s pages, while still available as a complete and downloadable PDF file, can be viewed as one...

People Manager Magazine Online – September-October 2022

FACE TO FACE THERE’S A VIRTUAL GALLERY for everyone in this double edition of PMMO when we finally got the chance to meet in-person at Sofitel for the 59th Annual Conference! After almost two years of restricting ourselves and opting for virtual, PMAP drew a (more than) full house with everyone...

People Manager Magazine Online – July & August 2022

DOUBLED! JULY AND AUGUST USHER IN the first of the ’Ber months’ which in turn immediately jumpstarts the iconic Christmas song from the great Jose Mari Chan. Our double month special will likewise welcome the debut of Coach Jacqueline Luy’s monthly column ‘Popcorn Thoughts.’  Our president, Ellen Fullido will intrigue...

People Manager Magazine Online – May 2022

UP WHERE WE BELONG BEFORE YOU LAUNCH into your rendition of the Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes duet, let me state the obvious: We Filipinos deserve to soar higher. The combination of great communication skills, smartness, impressive work ethic, flexibility and the disarming combo of charm and good-naturedness is sought...

People Manager Magazine Online – April 2022

CHOOSE People managers make decisions all the time. Be it in choosing the best fit for the team, making judgement calls on people programs to greenlight, and even themes for just about any event within the company. We, as individuals, also make choices: from the time we wake up, to...

People Manager Magazine Online – March 2022

FAITHFULLY WHEN THERE’S LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL, the first question we need to ask is: Why did we get into the tunnel in the first place? Whether we got pushed into the tunnel by fate and a cruel one at that (like Covid 19 and Odette), or we recklessly...

People Manager Magazine Online – Jan-Feb 2022

WE’RE BACK! Truth is, we never left. PMMO welcomes 2022 PMAP President Ellen C. Fullido as our Trustee and adviser and the indefatigable JV Wong as we join the Media and Communications Committee (MACC). This is us growing as we aim to serve you by bringing you more relatable, relevant and engaging content both...

People Manager Magazine Online – August -October 2021

OUR THREE-IN-ONE  ‘COFFEE’ EDITION PMAP turned 65 just this past October and we share in the celebration with our three-in-one special PMMO edition! The last quarter on PMM On-Cam (our live monthly broadcast over YouTube and Facebook) has highlighted Communication (specifically Languages and Storytelling) while also observing Mental Health Month....

People Manager Magazine Online – July 2021

THE PURSUIT OF... July of 2021 will always be cherished for the unforgettable memories of the ultimate learning adventure for every People Management practitioner in the country and beyond: the PMAP Annual Conference. This year’s theme, “Angat” highlights the aspirations of everyone for more meaningful and enduring successes, fulfillment and...

People Manager Magazine Online- May & June 2021

PLAYING CATCH UP The months of May and June have been terribly busy for the BMC Team of PMAP.  For those who actually noticed, we missed giving you the PMMO May issue although it has been in the can midway June.  My sincerest apologies for this. We hope to make...

People Manager Magazine – April 2021

THAT QUEST FOR MEANING We started April with the observance of Holy Week, Christendom’s most revered time as we celebrate mankind’s redemption from sins through the sacrifices of Christ. This is also a significant time to reflect on the dynamics of religiosity and spirituality in light of the diversity in...

People Manager Magazine Online – March 2021

NO WAY TO GO BUT UP Author Carlos Castañeda wrote, "We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.” And so, while most of us are still hoping to recover, why not aim for a much more improved versions of ourselves, and...

People Manager Magazine Online – February 2021

THE MONTH OF HEARTS NEXT TO CHRISTMAS, Valentine’s Day makes everyone giddy in a hopeful way. Even those who admit they still don’t have that ‘someone special’ yet, they easily declare heartfelt appreciation for their respective families and friends. There really is an abundance of gratitude and admiration around if...

People Manager Magazine Online – January 2021

AN INVITATION It’s 2021. Time to hit the Refresh button. This year, People Manager Magazine Online (PMMO) and its live virtual counterpart People Manager On-Cam are introducing four segments: PEOPLE WATCH (for peers, coaches and trailblazers in the practice of People Management); MUSTS (for urgencies and major concerns and issues); ANTICIPATE THIS (for trends and innovations); and PERK UR HEART (for lifestyle,...

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