People Manager Magazine – February 2020

People Manager Magazine – February 2020 Here’s a glimpse of PMAP’s printed People Manager magazine for February.We will be distributing copies during our 654th General Membership Meeting on March 25, 2020 at Fairmont Hotel, Makati City. See you there!#PMAP2020 #PeopleManager #PM2020 #GMM This post is only available to members.

Acknowledging The Value Of Women’S Unpaid Emotional And Physical Labor At Home

In the Philippines, concepts such as “Ilaw ng tahanan” (referring to a mother’s role as the proverbial light of every family) weigh heavily on Filipinas, who have to pull double shifts as they work from home on top of doing the housework. Image via Vecteezy. By Patricia B. Mirasol “Many companies...

HR In The Philippines During The COVID-19 Pandemic

In the Philippines, to reduce the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on businesses, workers, customers and general stakeholders, HR leaders and employers have made tremendous efforts to mitigate the circumstances. Various companies have updated their risk management plans to address the specific exposure, identified sources of exposure and means of transmissions....

Recommendations For HR During The Coronavirus Pandemic

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. COVID-19 is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans.What are the signs and symptoms...

Bawal Judgemental (Handling Unconscious Biases In The Workplace)

What a way to end the work week. People managers and HR practitioners learned from the industry leaders and fellow attendees how to manage biases in their organizations during the interactive gamified PMAP's special earning session "Bawal Judgemental: Handling Unconscious Biases in the Workplace." The speakers are 2020 PMAP Trustee...

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