Circular No. : 2023-007 – PMAP’s Attendance in the Senate Committee on Labor, Employment, and Human Resources Development TWG Meeting on Senate Bill No. 1333 Enterprise Productivity Act 

CIRCULAR NO. : 2023 – 007 TO   : PMAP MEMBERS DATE   : 09 February 2023 SUBJECT   : PMAP’s Attendance in the Senate Committee on Labor, Employment, and Human Resources Development TWG Meeting on Senate Bill No. 1333 Enterprise Productivity Act  Views: 808 […]

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Recommendations for HR during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. COVID-19 is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans. What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19? WHO […]

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People Manager Magazine Online – April 2022

CHOOSE People managers make decisions all the time. Be it in choosing the best fit for the team, making judgement calls on people programs to greenlight, and even themes for just about any event within the company. We, as individuals, also make choices: from the time we wake up, to the time we go to […]

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